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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Finer Things- Summer BBQ's

Cigar lovers can't help themselves; they are often used to the finer things in life, especially during summer time. For those of us with lots of money, or good imaginations, these finer things may involve dining on the decks of the most exquisite restaurants, rubbing elbows with the Hollywood elite or sailing on a yacht next to a person named "Buffy" or maybe "Fifi." For those of us who are more grounded in reality, however, we know that the finer things of summer don't have to be this extreme: they are often right under our nose. This is particularly true when it comes to BBQ's.

For those of us who live in colder climates, summer is the one time of year we can attend a good BBQ. This makes remembering what to bring extremely important. There are things that are easy to remember - the charcoal, for instance - but also things that are easy to overlook. The following is our list of things that will surely light a fire of fun under your summer get together, as long as you remember to bring them:

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Cigars: Oh yeah, you didn't see this coming. Cigars and barbeques might seem like an odd pair, but they are actually a great combination. Not only are cigars a great way to unwind after too many hamburgers, but the aroma from a cigar may also help keep away mosquitoes and other pesky summer bugs as you sit outside among your friends and family. And, don't forget, a barbeque gives you a chance to know exactly where to go in the event you need a light.

Steaks: Sure, BBQ's typically belong to hamburgers and cheeseburgers: they are, forgive me, the meat of the gathering. While that's all well and good - and makes chickens feel more secure - steaks are also a great addition. The inclusion of steak provides people with more variety and makes the BBQ just a little bit finer.

Lighter Fluid: Lighter fluid is easy to overlook: some individuals may figure if a cave man can start a fire so can they. This is sometimes the case, but if there is any bit of wind, or if the charcoal gets wet or decides to just be stubborn, no man (cave or otherwise) is going to be of much help.

Sunscreen: No one really likes to lather up with a coconut smelling concoction while at a BBQ, but sunscreen is essential in keeping your skin from burning. Not only will sunscreen benefit you in the long run by helping you avoid skin cancer, but it will also prevent you from spending the next day in discomfort, stuck holding a bottle of aloe while you're curled up in the fetal position.

Good Beer: BBQs usually have coolers filled with different types of beer. Yet, often these coolers are filled with cheap beer, a case that was on sale for eight or nine dollars. Instead of bringing beer from the clearance rack, splurge and bring more expensive, better beer. Good beer is more enjoyable to drink, much more flavorful, and, most importantly, goes much better with cigars.

The Finer Things- Summer BBQ's

Jennifer Jordan is an editor and staff writer for At home in a design firm in Denver, Colorado, she writes articles specific to the finer things in life.


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